“If you are planning for a year, sow rice;
if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; and if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”

– Chinese Proverb


It’s simple, our children are the future, and the time is now to make a great change in restoring our culture and life on this planet.

Nature School Programs for Kids. Our educational programs for kids are centered around teaching core life essentials: clean and quality food, shelter, and water. Our goal is to create a space for children to connect with what is real, and for youth to gain inspiration and experience on a path devoted to a more sustainable future. Our classroom is the land, and nature is our teacher. 


We, as the elders, the parents, grandparents, aunties, and uncles who have come before, are here to guide. It is our responsibility, our Kuliana to keep them pure and offer the tools to navigate through life, in harmony and balance with Mother Earth. 

Our classes are composed of three pods: Sustainable Building, Regenerative Agriculture, and Conscious Cooking.


Sustainable building, resourcing from the land to create healing homes inside and out. SOL Projex is devoted to sharing with the next generation how important it is to be surrounded by natural materials. We educate on the profound difference between synthetic and artificial materials versus natural quality and sustainable materials. We allow them to feel it for themselves and show how they can create for their future families. Sourcing from the land also shows how abundant we are in our natural element, that nature has everything we need. We offer guidance on the use of efficient modern power tools, as well as the more sustainable use of basic hand tools that our ancestors had formerly used. 


Regenerative Agriculture, reconnecting with the land as we merge our hands and hearts with the soil, and understanding the true abundance and full spectrum of nourishment that is provided. We share the practices of biodynamic gardening and soil remediation – that true wealth begins first with soil health. The children experience how to grow food from seed, learning some of the most basic and pure ways to sustain and thrive. Through these ways we inspire healthy lifestyles for them and their families, remembering where our food really comes from, the one and only true whole-food grocery store. They learn to build soil, compost, use mineral amendments and organic fertilizers, garden maintenance of weeding and pruning, planting, and harvesting. We focus on connecting with the land and becoming one with nature.


Conscious Cooking, our cooking classes are focused on nutritional wisdom, connecting with where our food comes from and how to prepare it. We provide a rainbow spectrum of delicious creations that inspire the keiki to get involved in the process of food preparation. Here, we showcase the only true form of processed food, transforming what comes from the earth with little modification. Food becomes more than just basic nourishment, it becomes a celebration of creation, and a form of edible art infused with pure love. We inspire healthy living one delicious and exciting bite at a time.